Staff News
CRDC Director Marc Gopin presented a Valley Beit Midrash lecture entitiled, “Seven Steps Toward a Less Violent World: A View From Science & Torah,” at Temple Chai in Phoenix, Arizona, on April 12, 2016. Watch the accompanying interview with Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yankowitz here.
Hind Kabawat featured in Foreign Policy
CRDC Director of Interfaith Peacebuilding Hind Kabawat was published on on March 9, 2016. “How is it that an almost entirely civilian town, where people peacefully and collectively took to the streets to demand their rights, could be the site of atrocities committed by the Assad regime? The truth is that the biggest threat to the Assad regime is the Syrian people’s legitimate demands for freedom and dignity, not terrorism.” Read the full article here.
Hind Kabawat featured on The Daily Beast
CRDC Director of Interfaith Peacebuiling Hind Kabawat speaks about her mentor Syriac Catholic Father Paolo on The Daily Beast. “He was always telling me, ‘Hind, we can’t be sitting and lecturing others. We need to go to the people. Because this is freedom and democracy, from the people to the people. This is exactly what Jesus wants and what Jesus did. He did not sit in his home.’” Read the full article, published on February 29, 2016, here.
Marc Gopin on 40 Days with Peacemakers blog
CRDC Director Marc Gopin was featured on Day 13 of the 40 Days with Peacemakers blog by the William Penn House. Read the full entry from February 22, 2016, here.
Hind Kabawat on Syria’s peace process
CRDC Director of Interfaith Peacebuilding Hind Kabawat wrote an article on Syria’s ongoing peace process. “As a member of the Syrian opposition’s High Negotiations Committee who is a believer in dialogue rather than violence, it is still clear to me that the solution to Syria’s crisis is political not military. ” Read the full article, published on February 12, 2016, on Huffington Post.
Marc Gopin at McGill University
On February 12, 2016, CRDC Director Marc Gopin recently lectured on religion and conflict resolution at McGill University. Listen to his full talk here on SoundCloud.
Hind Kabawat on the Riyadh Conference
CRDC Director of Interfaith Peacebuilding Hind Kabawat attended the conference of Syrian opposition leaders in Riyadh earlier this month as they considered a new round of negotiations with Damascus. Though many of the opposition groups had never met before, the meetings were marked by inclusivity and a sense of collective responsibility for the future. Read Hind’s take on the conference, published December 16, 2015, on Huffington Post.
Hind Kabawat featured on Huffington Post
CRDC Director of Interfaith Peacebuilding Hind Kabawat shared her reflections on the first Syrian Film Festival in Toronto on Huffington Post on November 11, 2015. (Read here.)
Nousha Kabawat featured on Hart House Blog
CRDC Syria Program’s Nousha Kabawat was featured as a guest writer for the University of Toronto Hart House blog on November 10, 2015. Read Nousha’s post on the origins of Project Amal ou Salam here.
Marc Gopin interviewed on Al Jazeera English
Watch CRDC’s Director, Dr. Marc Gopin, describe efforts to deescalate the tensions surrounding access to the Al Aqsa Mosque Compound with confidence building measures amidst a wave of violence and the larger context of the unsettled conflict and occupation on Al Jazeera English on October 25, 2015.
Hind Kabawat featured on Huffington Post
CRDC Director of Interfaith Peacebuilding Hind Kabawat and Pamela Ostovich were published on The Huffington Post on October 1, 2015. Kabawat and Ostovich wrote on the resilience of Syrian refugees they encountered on their recent visit to the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan. (Read here.)
Marc Gopin at the Berkley Center
Marc Gopin’s response to Thomas Banchoff’s “Religion and World Order” on was published Georgetown University’s Berkley Forum on September 24, 2015.
“There is a sure path to aid religious people and their organized religions to greater and greater contributions to these enlightened values, these psychological and political evolutions of the human mind that were foreseen by many prophets.” (Read more…)
Marc Gopin featured on
CRDC’s Director, Dr. Marc Gopin, wrote for on the subject of non-violent statecraft on July 21, 2015.
“Nations often pursue war and embrace violent regimes as allies because the benefits economically and politically of the military/industrial complex are irresistible. As a result it is hard for peace-oriented policy makers and bureaucrats to persuade their own institutions to commit to nonviolent statecraft..” (Read more…)
Hind Kabawat at House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Watch the testimony of CRDC’s Hind Kabawat, Director of Interfaith Peacebuilding, before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on May 13, 2015.
Watch CRDC’s Director Marc Gopin present a TEDtalk titled “Peace Steps: One Rabbi’s Journey Into the Heart of his Enemies” at TedxBerkeley on February 28, 2015. (more…)
On November 17, 2009, CRDC held an unprecedented interfaith dinner at the residence of Moroccan Ambassador Aziz Mekouar. Click here to read more about the event.
CRDC hosted a joyous “Citizen Diplomacy Evening” on Monday, October 19, 2009. CRDC’s first Citizen Diplomacy Award was presented to CRDC Senior Associate Hind Kabawat, and a new film on Hind Kabawat and her pioneering work in Syria, directed by David Vyorst and funded by the Fetzer Institute, was screened. See more including photos from the event here…
CRDC Director Marc Gopin presented his book To Make the Earth Whole in Toronto on September 15, 2009. Click here to read more about the event.